
Study provides guidelines for oculoplastic surgeons on social media

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Variations in content, location, subject, media type, and tags were found to statistically significantly impact public engagement on the social media posts of oculoplastic surgeons, according to a study that touts the importance of social media as a marketing tool in a field like oculoplastics.

Researchers analyzed the most and least ‘liked’ posts from the Instagram accounts of American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic Reconstruction Surgery (ASOPRS) members who had >500 followers.

Of the 37 Instagram accounts included, the majority were men (67.6%) in private practice (70.3%).

Of the 4812 posts analyzed, post characteristics, such as content and media type, impacted success in a statistically significant way. If the posting doctor was featured wearing a white coat and smiling, public engagement increased, whereas posts that featured an office procedure had less public engagement.

Other characteristics of successful posts included images, which were preferred over videos; images present sequentially in swipe-through series as opposed to a collage; and use of tags/hashtags.

Park SSE, Akella SS, Moon JY, et al. Building your brand: Analysis of successful oculoplastic surgeons on social media. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2020 Nov/Dec;36(6):582-589. DOI: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000001654. PMID: 33156596.

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